Call the bird doctor Call the bird doctor

About Me

Call the bird doctor

I hate seeing my parrot sick. He's such a jolly fellow and is usually the brightest start to the day you can picture. When he gets sick and doesn't seem so chirpy, I feel down all day long. My vet is such a great guy and never thinks I'm being silly when I call him about my parrot not seeming normal. He even does house calls if my parrot is really not feeling great and I don't want to bring him in. If you are looking for a great bird doctor like mine, then keep reading. Birds deserve great care too!


Helping a rejected kitten thrive

After birth sometimes a mother cat will reject one of her kittens for unknown reasons. This can be an issue for the health of the kitten, who relies on the mother both for milk and learning important skills such as grooming and toileting. Here are some things that you can do if one of your kittens is being rejected.  Try to bring them back together Often the mother will reject a kitten that no longer smells like her, which is why it's not advisable to handle nursing kittens. Read More