Call the bird doctor Call the bird doctor

About Me

Call the bird doctor

I hate seeing my parrot sick. He's such a jolly fellow and is usually the brightest start to the day you can picture. When he gets sick and doesn't seem so chirpy, I feel down all day long. My vet is such a great guy and never thinks I'm being silly when I call him about my parrot not seeming normal. He even does house calls if my parrot is really not feeling great and I don't want to bring him in. If you are looking for a great bird doctor like mine, then keep reading. Birds deserve great care too!


Feline Health 101: Unveiling the Necessity of Regular Vet Checkups for Your Purr-fect Companion

Cat ownership is a delightful and rewarding experience. However, lurking behind those mesmerising eyes and purrs is a silent world of potential health risks. Many cat owners underestimate the importance of regular veterinary checkups, often associating these visits with high stress levels — for both feline and human. Read on to explore why health checkups warrant a spot on your calendar — and your cat’s well-being. Understanding the Resistance Why are pet owners often a bit averse to frequent veterinary appointments? Read More