Call the bird doctor Call the bird doctor

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Call the bird doctor

I hate seeing my parrot sick. He's such a jolly fellow and is usually the brightest start to the day you can picture. When he gets sick and doesn't seem so chirpy, I feel down all day long. My vet is such a great guy and never thinks I'm being silly when I call him about my parrot not seeming normal. He even does house calls if my parrot is really not feeling great and I don't want to bring him in. If you are looking for a great bird doctor like mine, then keep reading. Birds deserve great care too!


Canine Parvovirus: What You Need to Know

This article explores canine parvovirus. Read on to discover everything you need to know. What is canine parvovirus? Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious viral illness that affects the cells lining the small intestine. A dog can contract this illness through direct contact with the faecal matter from an infected animal. The virus is shed in the infected dog's faecal matter and transmitted to whatever surface it comes into contact with, such as another animal's paws. Read More 

What Are the Health Benefits of Regularly Grooming Your Dog? Find Out Here

Keeping your dog clean is more than just getting a session of pampering your pet. One of the benefits that your dog gets from regular grooming is bad odour elimination. However, the pet care experts also use this opportunity to check on your animal friend and see whether they might have any developing health complications. Here are a few other health benefits that you get from regular pet grooming services.  Read More 

Causes and Remedies for Your Dog’s Dry Winter Skin

Many dogs in Australia have a problem with dry, flaky skin in winter. Usually, this is a minor issue, and you can make adjustments to ensure your dog's comfort. However, some dogs need medical intervention for their dry skin problems. In addition to talking to your veterinarian at the vet clinic, check into these causes and remedies to help your dog's winter dry skin. Signs of Winter Dry Skin in Dogs Read More 

Two signs of a great vet

Making the effort to find a particularly good vet is a worthwhile endeavour. Here are two signs that you've found a great vet. They want to learn about your pet Any fully-trained vet will be knowledgeable about most domestic creatures and will know the health conditions each one is susceptible to as well as the general behaviours it usually exhibits. However, an excellent vet will not just know about the species and breed of pet you own but will also work hard to familiarise themselves with your pet's eating habits, personality and preferences regarding how they like to be handled. Read More